PHONE: 805-379-2423
3041 E Thousand Oaks Blvd STE 1
Thousand Oaks CA, 91362
TEL: 805-379-2423
Email: Direwolftattoo@gmail.com
Here at Dire Wolf Tattoo we are primarily a custom tattoo shop, but are happy to
accommodate walk ins/ short notice appointments when we have availability. Each of our
artists handle their own scheduling, so it is best to email the artist you would like to get tattooed
by directly.
Artists are generally booked out 2 weeks to 3 months at a time. We highly suggest
reaching out via email as we tend to miss phone calls during the day when we are all tattooing.
We do not have set hours, but are open by noon most days except Sunday and Monday.
There is a parking lot behind the shop, accessible via the alley on the side of the building.
Some things to consider before/during your tattoo appointment:
-Have a good meal before arriving, this helps with blood sugar.
-Wear comfortable clothing that allows access to the area being tattooed.
-Arrive well rested, sober, and hydrated (If you are sick please reschedule your appointment).
-No entourages, if you need a friend/family member for support please only bring one
person. We have limited space in our waiting area, and we do not allow spectators in the
procedure area.
-You may want to check with your artist to see what kind of payments they accept, everyone
operates individually here so different artists accept different forms of payment.
-Please keep phone use to a minimum, if needed please bring AirPods or a similar device, we
do not allow speaker phone conversations or FaceTime in the shop.
-Lastly, please bring an ID and be 18 years or older to get tattooed.
For general information and questions you can email direwolftattoo@gmail.com Please email
artists directly for appointment information.

3041-1 E Thousand Oaks Blvd STE 1
Thousand Oaks CA, 91362
Phone: 805-379-2423
Email: Direwolftattoo@gmail.com